Sunday, January 11, 2009

Weddings, Engagements... What's new?

Well, there's been alot of weddings and engagements over the last 3/4 months.
One extra special wedding for me was my cousin, Brian Woodford.

Brian Woodford married Amy Hender (now Woodford) at the Adelaide Temple in the first week of 2009...


Anonymous said...

huh. love this text )

About Me

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Jess [Bradbury] Wheeler
Gosford, New South Wales, Australia
Hey. If you are reading this, you probably already know who I am. But just in case you're new... Call me Jess, I'm a human being, and this blog is a mixture of a) updating the gossip grapevine and b) personal therapeutic word-vomit and such. Have a wander, expect the unexpected, leave a comment and then go right on doing whatever it is that you do each day. Keep it simple, keep it real ;) Love Jess.
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