Thursday, April 21, 2011

I'm still here...

Hey blogging world!

Yes, i'm still here...

The reasons i haven't posted in AGES:

1. I worked 9-6 almost every day for the entire duration of my school holidays (not that it could be called a holiday when i worked nearly everyday). Yes, i enjoyed the money. But it meant that i had little to nothing to blog about because all i did was work.

2. This semester of school not only am i doing a condensed semester, i'm doing overload as well! For those of you who don't understand what this means, i'll break it down for you. For a full-time university load you must do 4 units per semester. the recommended time to spend studying per unit is 10 hours (and that doesn't include the time you spend on assignment writing). So full-time load is about 40- 45 hours of study per week. Overload is anything over full-time load. I'm doing 5 units. So yes, i spend roughly 56 hours (averaged) of the 168 hours i get to live each week. Conclusion= extremely busy and stressful time of my life!

3. I haven't made time to do it because i haven't found anything worth posting about due to the above 2 reasons.

Oh! And another reason i haven't been out and about is because my body finally decided to fall apart after 1 and half years of stress and pressure with no holidays or breaks. Yes, no significant holidays or breaks in the past one and half years. Crazy, i know! So i've had regular visits to the doctors and the hospitals in the past 3 weeks and now i've come to the point where i need to a) make some major changes to my current lifestyle and b)get better!

you might have seen this quote kicking around facebook: "Change isn't what i'm afraid of... it's the potential consequences of change that intimidate me". Firstly, yes i came up with that by myself. Secondly, it's exactly how i feel right now. I know the changes i need to make, but i'm intimidated by the potential consequences from making those changes. But i know if i don't make those changes... i can't progress for the better.

Such is life.

Hope everyone is well and happy in the blogging world (and in reality too)!

It's been great catching up.

Consider yourselves officially updated ;)



L!$@ said...

WOW busy!! You go girl :D

Nettie's Blog said...

do waht you have to do to make YOUR life right girl... just know I missed you...sorry tohear that your health has not been good...dont stretch that health elsatic too far...somthing has to give if you do....

Bekah said...

You Can Do It! (quote from that freaky guy in the background of every Adam Sandler movie ;) )
I love you tremendously, and I knw you will be alright. Remember to laugh and go crazy sometimes! And I will tooo

Pollyanna said...

No good!!!
I suppose the real diagnosis is you're just homesick for Queensland.
Failing that...
I suppose top of the list of changes is NO MORE CHOCOLATE! :)

I am the guru of health fixes.
If this is anything like chronic fatigue come to me baby.
Auntie Denise

About Me

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Jess [Bradbury] Wheeler
Gosford, New South Wales, Australia
Hey. If you are reading this, you probably already know who I am. But just in case you're new... Call me Jess, I'm a human being, and this blog is a mixture of a) updating the gossip grapevine and b) personal therapeutic word-vomit and such. Have a wander, expect the unexpected, leave a comment and then go right on doing whatever it is that you do each day. Keep it simple, keep it real ;) Love Jess.
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