Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Unexpected visitor...

So, there's this cat that lives down the road. His name is Turbo.

For some unknown reason, Turbo loves us.

Most mornings, we find Turbo here:

[Outside, on our doorstep]

But THIS morning, we found turbo here...

...and here...

...and here...

...Oh! And here...

Still unsure of HOW Turbo got INside our house... and also still unsure WHY he has an obsession for our place. But one thing we are sure of...

Turbo is THE FRIENDLIEST cat we've EVER met!

[P.S.: We sent Turbo home... But he just came back to purr against the window!]


L!$@ said...

Awww such a cute cat! :D Who wouldn't love you??

Bekah said...

this is hilarious! lol cute! and its a sign! :)

About Me

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Jess [Bradbury] Wheeler
Gosford, New South Wales, Australia
Hey. If you are reading this, you probably already know who I am. But just in case you're new... Call me Jess, I'm a human being, and this blog is a mixture of a) updating the gossip grapevine and b) personal therapeutic word-vomit and such. Have a wander, expect the unexpected, leave a comment and then go right on doing whatever it is that you do each day. Keep it simple, keep it real ;) Love Jess.
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