Wednesday, July 13, 2011



So I have been living it up over the last 2 weeks or so and it has been AWESOME!

Emily & Aaron Gilligan took Anthony and I on some adventures, Ella & I got into some messy mischief, and Bek & the cousins came down for a visit... and so did some snow!

Wanna know what happened? Click on the links ;)

Adventures with the Gilligans

Messy Mischief

Snow Trip!


About Me

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Jess [Bradbury] Wheeler
Gosford, New South Wales, Australia
Hey. If you are reading this, you probably already know who I am. But just in case you're new... Call me Jess, I'm a human being, and this blog is a mixture of a) updating the gossip grapevine and b) personal therapeutic word-vomit and such. Have a wander, expect the unexpected, leave a comment and then go right on doing whatever it is that you do each day. Keep it simple, keep it real ;) Love Jess.
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