Monday, December 8, 2008

Spontaniety... as usual!

Last Saturday, everyone was sitting at home, not doing very much at all, when we abruptly and randomly decided "Let's go to the beach!"
It was raining and windy outside...and it's Tasmania... but we still went to the beach!

[Our Favourite Beach in Hawley!]

[The crazy crew]

[And again]

[leia wrote in the sand - we also built a sandcastle but the waves washed it away before we thought to take a photo :( ]

We also went for a jog along the beach, made a mess in the sandy clay along the point, and half-attempted to play footy. And we DID go in the water. We ate chips before heading home.
Altogether a very random day :D


About Me

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Jess [Bradbury] Wheeler
Gosford, New South Wales, Australia
Hey. If you are reading this, you probably already know who I am. But just in case you're new... Call me Jess, I'm a human being, and this blog is a mixture of a) updating the gossip grapevine and b) personal therapeutic word-vomit and such. Have a wander, expect the unexpected, leave a comment and then go right on doing whatever it is that you do each day. Keep it simple, keep it real ;) Love Jess.
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