Friday, September 23, 2011

Moments like this...

In marriage and in life, there are many challenges. Moments that test our patience, moments that push our emotional limits, moments that make you want to scream naked down the street (or is that just me?)... And then there are those moments that catch our breath, fill us with overwhelming joy and gratitude, save our sanity, and renew our beliefs in all that is great and wonderful about love and life.

Well, recently I experienced a bit of both.

Friday, it was a VERY busy day at the end of another intensely stressful and frustrating week. I guess my body and mind couldn't take it any more and I began to burst at the seams... (This isn't the first time. This year has a been a pressure cooker of stress, frustration, anxiety and more stress. It's been sustained, exhausting and with little to no moments of relief. It's made a mess of me). I was sobbing uncontrollably, exhausted, frustrated and feeling hopeless, as I attempted to clean the neglected dishes piling up in our kitchen when two arms curled around my waist and a whisper saying "I'll do the dishes, hun". He'd already tidied up the lounge and begun washing the mountains of dirty clothes that had also been neglected.

But that wasn't even the best part...

He whisked me off to dinner at a favourite restaurant of mine, ELAIA (pic above)! Held my hand across the table and listened politely as I explained my frustrations. He pulled me close and wrapped his arm around me as we strolled in the night. He spoiled me with treats and then relaxed with me as I lay, rugged up, on our couch back at home. My worries and stresses melted away into the night and I was completely immersed in his company and feelings of gratitude, happiness, and peace.

This morning I woke up at my usual time (7am) to pee and it dawned on me all the responsibilities and work I had ahead of me today and felt a pang of disappointment and depression. I went back to bed. I didn't want to wake up again. Then sometime after 9am I heard a gentle voice, "Jess, are you awake? Time to wake up..." and felt the covers being pulled from my face. The first thing I saw when I opened my sleepy eyes: Anthony with a huge grin on his face. It's the best thing to see when I wake up; I can't help but smile too. He opened the curtains, told me to sit up and wait for a surprise... Can you guess what it was? Breakfast in bed! Yep, BBQ bacon, egg and cheese muffins with mango/orange juice. When I finally finished stuffing my face and asked what the occasion was, he just smiled and told me that he knew today was going to be a difficult one for me, so he wanted to make it a bit more bearable with a yummy start to the day.

I pretty much couldn't stop grinning.

I'm currently in a break between spouts of frustrating study, but the day seems so much more bearable because I have a wonderfully considerate (and way hot!) man who loves me enough to not only bear with patience my erratic emotional behaviour this year, but who does anything he can to support me and make my life that little bit more lovely.

Three cheers for loving husbands!


Bekah said...

dearest sister,
I do so love your thoughts
your experiences
and your attitude of gratitude.

Thank you for sharing this moment!!
And thank you anthony for looking after you, my sister who doesnt know when to stop!

You scored big time lovely!


Unknown said...

hope you get de-stressed soon! stress is THE worst. cute blog, by the way! i'll definitely be coming by again :)


About Me

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Jess [Bradbury] Wheeler
Gosford, New South Wales, Australia
Hey. If you are reading this, you probably already know who I am. But just in case you're new... Call me Jess, I'm a human being, and this blog is a mixture of a) updating the gossip grapevine and b) personal therapeutic word-vomit and such. Have a wander, expect the unexpected, leave a comment and then go right on doing whatever it is that you do each day. Keep it simple, keep it real ;) Love Jess.
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