Sunday, June 19, 2011

2 years.

Yesterday was our 2nd anniversary.

As it was a Sunday and my sister's birthday too, we celebrated on the Saturday instead.

Anthony took me to the Salamanca market (my first time since I was 3). And I loved it!!

He bought me some mittens (my favourite purchase of the day), a scarf, and 2 bottles of boiled lollies.

Later on in the day he also bought me the BBC Pride & Prejudice miniseries. (Yes, the one with Colin Firth!)

Later on, we went to the Point Revolving Restaurant for dinner.

It was severely overpriced but worth doing at least once.

The view was spectacular... And the view of Hobart was nice too ;)


L!$@ said...

Congratulations!! I can't believe it's already been two years! :D

Unknown said...

Happy anniversary guys! Sounds like you had a great weekend can't believe it was 2 years ago you got married where did that time go!

Cullis Family said...

Wow, two years has gone very quickly! I love the BBC Pride & Prejudice it's the best!

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Jess [Bradbury] Wheeler
Gosford, New South Wales, Australia
Hey. If you are reading this, you probably already know who I am. But just in case you're new... Call me Jess, I'm a human being, and this blog is a mixture of a) updating the gossip grapevine and b) personal therapeutic word-vomit and such. Have a wander, expect the unexpected, leave a comment and then go right on doing whatever it is that you do each day. Keep it simple, keep it real ;) Love Jess.
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